Shaf'aa,34 year-old, single parent, mother of three
What did you want to be when you were a child?
I was quite lonely as a child; very shy and quiet. We were 12 siblings, I'm the youngest. Some of them already left home, and my parents were old and in their own world. I focused on school, and imagined myself growing up, continuing to study, and having a unified loving family.
What would you like to do today?
Today, I work as a Dropout Prevention and Youth Coordinator in the village. I started my MA studies, and I study parent guidance as well. I'm raising my three children, being their sole provider, with no help whatsoever. I have no complaints. I'm living the life I've chosen. After my third child was born I was sad. I realized that life wasn't what I saw as a child. I understood I need to change my reality, so that I could live life in a good, relaxed way, without anger. I got divorced. I felt alone anyway. I was providing the livelihood, taking care of the children, and had nursed myself when I was sick. When we separated, I just carried on in the same way.
The kids are very supportive, and they encourage me. Sometimes they come with me to work, or to school. They see my struggle, but they know I try very hard for their future's sake too. My girl made me a drawing this week, and told me she loves me and that she's proud of me.
What is your dream?
I want my children will study and make their own decisions in life; my girls too. In the society we live in, many girls dream of getting married; white dress and all. They wait for a man to make their life good, certain that there lies salvation. I say there are more dreams to be dreamt. Then, they get married and realize that it doesn't work this way, and that's why divorce is so common. They find themselves taking care of everything on their own, working very hard, until they have no strength to change their own lives.
My dream is that everyone in the village will make some change that for the better. I dream about having a house for me and my children, graduating my MA, and becoming a great headmistress