דף הבית » Jisser Dreaming

Jisser Dreaming

2018-2019 Jasser Dreaming – A project I initiated in Jasser a-Zarqa, an Arab village in Israel. For a few months, I met women from the village. The project shed light on unfamiliar aspects of the women’s lives: their dreams, conflicts, and the complicated reality they face.

I conducted personal interviews, painted their portraits, and the women created handmade embroidery on them.

The project was exhibited in Zarqa Gallery, a gallery that my partner in this project, Michal Sade, and I founded in the village.

During that year, many people and groups that never been to the village, came to see the exhibition, met the women, learned about their dreams and reality, and many connections were created.

The stories and the interviews are here, English follow Hebrew in each post.

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